Monday, October 5, 2020

League of Legends: Samira Season 10 guide — Part 2

50698371 (1)In Part 2 of our League of Legends Season 10 Samira guide, we will be going over item and rune recommendations. Refer to Part 1 if you missed it. Item recommendations Essence Reaver Samira’s Flair (Q) has a low cooldown and can critically strike. Essence Reaver provides more cooldown reduction, as well as 25% crit chance. Alongside this, the mana gained back from basic attacking will improve her overall sustain potential during the laning phase. Essence Reaver itself has an impressive 70 AD which benefits Samira’s high AD scaling in her kit. Infinity Edge The bread and butter of any ADC in League of Legends, and Samira is no exception even if she has an assassin-like playstyle. Her Flair and Inferno Trigger (R) can critically strike as well. With them being her main damaging abilities, having the extra crit damage will skyrocket her damage output. Phantom Dancer Once again, Samira can abuse crit chance items well. Unlike the other Zeal items though, Phantom Dancer, in m...
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