Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Spelunky 2 guide: How to cure poison

Spelunky 2 Poison DebuffSpelunky 2 is a roguelike adventure game with sprawling levels, tough enemies, and tricky situations. There are also a number of debuffs that tend to be rather unforgiving. Among these is poison. Poison is the most common debuff and can be caused by a number of different enemies and objects. This includes enemies like the Hermit Crab and Pangxie as well as the poison-tipped arrows used by the Moon Challenge master. Getting poisoned mid-run is about as bad as it can get. While poisoned, you’ll lose one heart of health every 30 seconds. Once you hit zero health, your run is over. In other words, you’re going to want to cure yourself as soon as possible. Thankfully, there are a number of methods to do so. Finding the antidote By far the most reliable way to cure poison is to hand in one of the many adorable pets found in Spelunky 2. While exploring any level there’s a good chance for a lost animal to spawn. This can be either a dog, cat, or mouse depending on your in-...
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