Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The massive PlanetSide 2: The Shattered Warpgate update is now live

Massive Planetside 2 the Shattered Warpgate Update Is Now Live (1)It has been a long time since PlanetSide 2 launched in 2012, bringing with it an unmistakable impact on the first-person shooter MMORPG space. The many large-scale battles waged across the world made it as much of a spectacle as it was a jolly good time. Now, the latest update for PlanetSide 2, The Shattered Warpgate, is live. Players can expect even more content to chew on amid some significant changes. PlanetSide 2: The Shattered Warpgate brings new open-world storytelling experiences called Campaigns to enjoy, while the world around you will also see some changes. The Esamir continent is the first beneficiary of that. It has seen some major changes in the update. New plants, reworked bases, a brand new skybox, and a spectacular roving electrical storm are all part of the deal. It will be up to you to get through the challenges ahead and investigate the mysteries behind the shattered Warpgate on Esamir. New ways to play The new Campaign system will provide more lore to PlanetSide...
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